Blender 3D Helicopter - The Beast

Highly detailed model created in Blender - Free 3D modelling software. Various techniques have been used to create numerous components, including blades, swashplate, electric motor, lipo batteries, canopy, under carriage and more!

Blender's editing tools and modifiers can be used to create any object imaginable. Modifiers include Boolean, mirror, array, curve, bevel, simple deform, solidify, and many more!

The vertex, edge, and face select editing modes, proportional editing, and the above-mentioned modifiers, are the main tools that were used to create and manipulate all the meshes that make up the entire helicopter.

By adjusting the clipping plane accordingly, it's possible to produce a sliced view which reveals the inner detail of parts - effectively like having X-ray vision, allowing you to see through solid objects.

Additional screenshots and helicopter models will be added.

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Blender's clip plane - sliced canopy

Blender's clipping plane setting - set to chop off the front of the helicopter.
Sort type: Canopy on

Blender's clip plane - wireframe canopy

Blender's clipping plane combined with the wireframe setting - slices through the side of the helicopter.
Sort type: Canopy on

Close-up general view of helicopter

Front side close up view of helicopter - modelled in Blender.
Sort type: Canopy off

Electronic speed control close-up

Electronic speed control zoomed view - modelled in Blender.
Sort type: Heli parts

Helicopter exported from Blender

Model helicopter being exported from Blender.
Sort type: Canopy off

Helicopter wiring and parts revealed

Helicopter side view showing parts and wiring - modelled in Blender.
Sort type: Heli parts

RC Heli ESC - UV Map text layout

RC Model helicopter's electronic speed control UV Map - text layout being edited in Blender.
Sort type: Heli Parts

Tail view of RC model helicopter

Tail view of model helicopter - modelled in Blender.
Sort type: Canopy off

The Beast helicopter - Front view

The Beast helicopter with its canopy on - Front view as modelled in Blender.
Sort type: Canopy on

The Beast helicopter - Rear view

The Beast helicopter with its canopy on - Rear view as modelled in Blender.
Sort type: Canopy on